I Live Here!

Motivation... that's what I have been lacking lately. Well that's not completely true. I just finished an AMAZING book: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. It's a book about this little boy who looses his dad during 9/11. I didn't loose anyone that day, but many people did and I believe this books expresses the loss that many people felt and still feel from that bad day. If you haven't read it; READ IT!!

Anyways back to the Philippines. So I have realized that I live here. Sounds like a funny thing to say right, but for me it's not. Being a Peace Corps Volunteer I am "working" 24/7 365 days a year. It really is the HARDEST job I love. There are moments when I truly love being here and can't imagine how hard it's going to be to leave. But then there are other days where I'm ready to get on the plane and go "home." I think that one of the hardest things about living here is always having to be here. Let me explain. The second I step out of my house (literally sometimes it's the SECOND I step out of my house) I'm greeted with intense stares, random phrases being shouted at me, or people questioning pretty much everything I do. So sometimes it's tough to leave the house. Haha. And yes I get away from site sometimes to attend trainings, seminars, etc. and sometimes I even leave for a vacation. But it seems like when I return things are some what a little harder, for a little while at least. When I return I have clothes to wash (by HAND NOT in a machine, that does NOT count anymore as washing clothes), not to mention washing other parts of my house that have become molded or infested with some kind of bug, invasive questions to answer (because everyone wants to know all about everything), and of course teaching haha. So sometimes it's hard. That's all I'm saying. I would also like to say I'm spoiled. I know this and I'm really missing my spoiled life. I'm missing all of the comforts of home and everything that goes with that. Those things, not to mentions family and friends, are things that are helping me pull through these last few months! So keep the encouragements coming...

On a more positive note. My counterpart and I have started a "Reading Club" with some of the first year students at my school. For the past year and a half I have been teaching 4th year students, which means they are 15-16. But for now, once a week, I work with 1st year students, 12 year-olds. They look like babies. And I'm LOVING it! Maybe it's b/c it's something new, or I actually feel like I'm teaching. Whatever it is, I <3 it! They really give me positive energy and help me stay motivated. We usually work on pronunciation, which is really funny and we laugh a lot. Then we read a passage, answer some questions, and work on comprehending what we read. It's great. And my counterpart and I are great co-teachers. We work so well together! I will REALLY miss her when I'm gone. 

Well tomorrow Ryan and I are going to a day care in town and preforming a puppet show! It will be our first one of hopefully many more to come, so stay tuned to see what happens... Love you all and miss y'all tons! Until next time... 
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