April and May = SUMMER!!

So what do you think of when you hear the words Summer? Most people, especially if your in school, think it's time for a break, the heat, swimming, vacations, etc. My experience in the Peace Corps, thus far, has proven the summers to be the busiest time of the year. So if you have the time I will tell you a little bit of what my summer has been.

In April, Ryan and I finished out our puppet shows for this school year by hiking with some of his co-workers to Brgy. San Antonio. This is the farthest brgy. in our municipality. We had to take a multicab for two hours and then we had to hike for almost two hours to reach this brgy! But it was so fun and worth the hike :) While we were there we got to do our last puppet show for this school year, and it was probably one of the best. We had the whole brgy. (around 200 people) watching the show. Usually during performances, lectures, etc. there is lots of talking, but during ours you could hear a pin drop. It was so much fun and I think the audience really enjoyed it! (We will continue our puppet shows again once school starts up)

The hike sometimes proved to be quite difficult :) 

Ryan and "Ma'am Flower" talking about Washing Hands
After our hike to Brgy. San Antonio, we had a nice and relaxing Easter break back in one of our favorite places, Padre Burgos. Since Ryan is now dive certified he went out for a couple dives while I went snorkeling. It was great to get away, relax, eat good food, and soak in some sun. This is a picture where Ryan went diving and I went snorkeling; it's at an island called Limasawa Island. 

Shortly after Easter, Ryan, our friend Evelyn, and I went to CAMBODIA!!! But you will have to wait for the next blog to read about that trip :) 

A few days after Cambodia, I went back to our training site, Dumaguete to help with a massive 2-week teacher training. (*Side note: to get to Dumaguete I have to take a 5 hr. boat ride, a 3 hr. bus ride, another 45 min. boat ride, and finally an hour bus ride.) The training was great. I was in charge of teaching Microsoft Excel. Which was so much fun. A few years back a PCV made this amazing tutorial for people to learn how to use Excel. It was so much fun helping people, some of which have never used a computer before, learn how to use excel. Many of the computers in the computer lab were broken so teachers were having to share and take turns completing the tutorial, but they did an amazing job. 

Teachers sharing a computer to learn Excel

"Teacher Trisha" instructing teachers how to use the tutorial

Our group of facilitators for the training
But now I am finally home and have been able to relax for a while. Although I didn't completely escape Excel, haha. This week and next week I am holding another Excel training for Ryan's co-workers. Which is also turning out to be a lot of fun! I really enjoy teaching something that I am knowledgeable about and able to share that knowledge with others. 

To end this blog I want to do something that my sister inspired me to do. Lately it has been hard for me to be positive about what I am doing here and I have been questioning why am I still here? Don't worry this happens from time to time for all volunteers and it helps when you can refocus that energy into something positive. So Kristy wrote a blog a while back about the 20 reasons why she likes her job, so here are my 20 reasons why I enjoy being in the Peace Corps-Philippines. (These are in no particular order) Hope you enjoy! :) 

1. Emersion into a new culture
2. AMAZING fruits such as: mangosteen, mangos, lanzones, rambutan, pineapple, bananas and I might add they are cheap
3. Relaxing on some breathtaking beaches
4. Experiencing remarkable landscapes and have astounding adventures
5. Learning a little bit of a new language
6. I'm able to share my culture with Filipinos and share Filipino culture back home
7. Helping others in small ways
8. I have built some incredible friendships
9. I have been given the opportunity to experience something unique
10. The chance to grow as an individual and as a married couple
11. Learning to live with less (materialistically) 
12. Ability to go with the flow
13. Nagbasa ko daghan mga libro (I get to read a lot)
14. New lifelong PCV friendships
15. Being a part of the Grants Committee
16. Flexibility in my teaching job
17. Traveling to other Asian countries
18. Understanding failures
19. Figuring out my passions and what to do with my future
20. Comprehending how truly blessed I am on so many levels

1 Response
  1. I like your list...it's a good one! Some of those things will be so very valuable to you forever. I know days can be rough, but this journey will be such a huge part of your life. :-)
    Praying for you!
    Love Love Love

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