
So in case you didn't know Ryan and I, along with our friend Evelyn, went to Cambodia a few weeks back. We had an amazing time, but man was it HOT! It was hotter there, temperature wise, than in the Philippines, but it was more of a Texas hot. Don't know what Texas hot is? Well it is a dry hot that feels like it's sucking your breath away, not the sticky, humid, drenching in sweat, hot of the Philippines. Despite the heat we had a blast! Haha. We flew into Siem Reap from Manila and were immediately impressed with the airport, so we had a feeling we were really going to like this place.

Posing by a statue in the airport
The next few days we headed out to the Angkor Wat Temple Complex and had an incredible time. Angkor Wat was impressive, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't my favorite temple. Although I did really enjoy looking at the Bas-Reliefs along this temple.

One of the many Bas-Reliefs at Angkor Wat
I think my favorite temples would have to be within the complex of Angkor Thom. Here are a few of my favorites:

At the top of Baksei Chamkrong
Bayon Temple
Ryan and I at Ta Prohm
While we were temple hopping, we had fun trying to learn some Cambodian words with our Tuk-tuk driver. Cambodians don't speak English as well as Filipinos, so sometimes we had some very interesting conversations :) One in particular was when our tuk-tuk driver was trying to teach us to say yes. First we didn't know what he was trying to teach us and men and women say different words for yes. So this is what our conversation would have sounded like in English: "Yes" (driver pointing to Ryan), "Yes" (Trisha), "No" (driver), "Huh?" (Trisha), "Yes" (driver pointing to Trisha), "Yes" (Trisha), "Yes" (Ryan), "No" (Driver laughing and shaking his head), "What?" (Ryan and Trisha), "Yes" (driver), "Yes" (Ryan), "Yes" (Trisha) Haha! We did learn how to say yes (jaa for women and baat for men), thank you (aw kohn), and It's hot! (kat daw na -not sure if that's spelled right?)

We also ate some fabulous food, and tried a few new things. At one restaurant Evelyn ordered Kangaroo, which we all tried and it was delicious. We got to cook it ourselves on a little stir-fry thing with some spices and vegetables and it turned out great!

Evelyn cooking Kangaroo
We also had a few amazing ice cream shakes and tried several different Cambodian foods, which we all liked. We also got a few messages (Hey we were tired from all the temple hopping) and even tried the Dr. Fish message. I was super excited about this, but when it came time to do it I was a little hesitant. It tickled like crazy and felt really weird at the same time, but eventually I did do it and was glad I did :)

I finally stuck my feet in and couldn't stop laughing! 
After Siem Reap we headed down to Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. We also had a great time here. We decided to have an emotionally hard day, where we visited the S-21 Prison museum and the Killing Fields. Even though it was a tough day we really enjoyed getting to learn about the Cambodian culture and things they have been through not too long ago. We also paid a visit to the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda. These temples were impressive, but because of the time constraints it was a little crowded for us. Haha. We also stopped by the Peace Corps Office, got to meet a few of their PCVs and staff. It was a great visit!
Ryan and I at the Royal Palace
While in P.P. Ryan started feeling a little sick, so one morning Evelyn and I went out shopping and we were going to meet up with Ryan for lunch. I left him the address and told him we would meet him there. Well, guess what, the restaurant was closed, as in no longer there! So Evelyn and I were pacing up and down this street trying to run into Ryan when he came by. We were walking back to one of the corners to see if he was there, when all of a sudden we spotted him a couple hundred yards in front of us in a tuk-tuk. We started yelling his name and running towards the tuk-tuk. To no avail his tuk-tuk started taking off. We were thinking, we have to stop him. So while laughing we started running faster. When out of nowhere this tuk-tuk driver comes by and says "Get in we can catch him!" My friend then quickly says "how much" (because you know we don't want to get ripped off), we agree on a price and race off in this tuk-tuk after Ryan. We finally catch up to him and can't stop laughing. We all agreed that we could easily win Amazing Race! Afterwards we stopped by this Indian restaurant that had the BEST indian food I have ever had! It was so scrumptious! I had a popular dish from Afghanistan, and let me tell you if it wasn't sooooo dangerous I would want to visit there just for the food!!

Eating at the Flavors of India!  
Sadly, our trip had to come to an end. But we had a delightful time and really enjoyed our vacation to the lovely country of Cambodia!
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