1/2 a year! What a milestone...
9:16 AM
6 months… that’s crazy to think that Ryan and I have been in the Philippines for 6 months!! And we have been at our permanent site for 3 months! CRAZY!! Time has gone by pretty fast too. We have gone through so much the last couple of years; it’s insane to think about. We both graduated from college, moved to Dallas to start our careers, got married, moved into an amazing apartment with my sister, gained valuable work experience, ran a ½ marathon, moved out of Dallas to visit with family, and then moved to the Philippines!!! Once in the Philippines we stayed a week in the greater Manila area, moved to Dumaguete, moved to Hilongos, and then moved into our own place. We have been learning a new language, getting to know our community, and figuring out where we fit in our community so that we can be the most effective volunteer possible. We have visited other towns, cities, and islands. We have met up with friends and shared similar stories of being homesick and how challenging this job is. I’m getting to know my students, only for them to leave at the end of March, because they are seniors and will be graduating, which is bittersweet. We have been through some rough holidays and birthdays, but we have also been able to make new friends and experience those holidays and birthdays with a new and interesting culture. I feel as if I have already grown so much, but we’re not even half way through. Our family and friends have been amazing through this all. They have supported us and we are extremely grateful! We know we are very fortunate and indebted to our families; to have given us all we have and to God for giving us the many opportunities we have been given. I know there will be many more hard days (Many times it’s a daily struggle only because I miss my family so much), but I am hopeful and looking forward to the future and what I will be able to do here in Hilongos. I am excited to start a girl’s soccer club and theater club next school year. And I am thrilled to try some new techniques in the classroom as well. I am also looking forward to family visiting us! Which will happen before I know it. I will make sure and cherish every minute of it. I wanted to use this post to reflect on things and I am glad you have shared it with me! Take care and until next time…
good blog, you sound good and excited about the future. sure glad things are going good. only sad thing i sure do miss seeing you and ryan. you always make me feel good. love you 2 grammy